Hospitality Solutions Group
... your key to effective solutions !

Rey Alcocer – HSG Partner

Rey Alcocer Rey has held operational responsibility for the Millennium and Copthorne Middle East Hotels as head of their Hotel Operations. Previously he worked with IHG in several senior vice-president roles in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa regions. He also worked in a global marketing position for Starwood Hotels, as well as several operational and planning positions for Sheraton North America. He has been working in the field of Total Quality and Hotel Business Excellence since 1984.

A graduate of University of Michigan with a degree in industrial engineering and operations research, he was the creator and developer of the leading edge work on the "I-Series" – IHG renown operational program. Rey has also developed and practiced an integrated concept of hotel business excellence under the working name, "Elite Hotel Management".

This, following 18 years of dedication to the design and integration of hotel systems to execute the principles of Business Excellence, particularly those relating to the practical measuring and improving of the critical success factors in hotels; and to the development and implementation of operational programs that assure a superior and consistent execution.

Fluent in Spanish, Italian and English, Rey has directly worked with over 1,000 business organizations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, England, Australia, the Middle East, Africa regions and many countries in Asia involving projects associated with quality and process renovation and improvement.
